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Premium Content This content is reserved for premium subscribers of Premium Membership. To Access this and other great posts, consider upgrading to premium. UpgradeLink ConjuctionSign In Powered by...
ISSUE 023 Welcome back in 2025! If you missed last week’s letter, it’s not too late to send a “thank you for 2024” to your connections from last year. In this week’s issue...
ISSUE 022 Welcome to the awkward couple of days between Christmas (Hannukah too!) and New Year’s. There is no better time than now to stand out in the minds of your network—I mean, to express...
ISSUE 021 Yesterday I met an older businessman in Jacksonville, with the backstory of your typical New Yorker. Investment banker. Has Ringo’s phone number. Produced a TV show. Entering Ai now...
Last night I attended an event hosted by Jax Tech on the EV and autonomous vehicle industry. With so many unknown faces walking around, I was reminded how awkward in-person networking can be—even for...
ISSUE 019 This is Connections, the weekly newsletter for community and network builders who know that relationships are the key to everything—real results and real revenue all from building rapport. ...
Premium Content This content is reserved for premium subscribers of Premium Membership. To Access this and other great posts, consider upgrading to premium. UpgradeLink ConjuctionSign In Powered by...
Dear readers, A Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am so grateful to have this space where we can connect through the written word and expand our minds in what matters most in this life: our relationships...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the letter where I’ll share some of what I learned from hosting the Connection Power-Hours. Read ahead for professional insights that may encourage...